About Us

We are grassroots Christians and Jews volunteering our time and energy out of our religious faith in God's eternal promise to Abraham, and our unshakeable belief that the Jewish people have a right to a safe and secure homeland in Israel.

l-r seated Sy Dill, Judi Dill (advisory), Pastor Daniel West (host), Dave Talan, Ken Schneider, Mary Greene
​l-r standing Howard Brown (executive director), Beverly Brozinski Not shown: Ron Katz, Luanne Pezzullo

Our Mission

The mission of the RI Coalition for Israel (RICI) shall be to promote Western, Judeo-Christian values in America and America's alliance with Israel through a working grassroots partnership of Christians and Jews. 
The organization will serve as an advocate for Israel through educational activities within the Greater RI area. 
RICI will stand up against anti-Semitism and the Boycott, Divest, Sanctions (BDS) movement through educational activities through public statements, handouts, films, lectures, and other means of communication.

​"I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse;​ and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." Genesis 12:3​

​"The reason that we are not liked is not because all kinds of accusations are leveled against us: no, they level accusations against us because they do not like  us... We were here before them, and we will be leaving after them. We are fine just the way we are. We will not be any different, nor do we want to be."--Vladimir Jabotinsky

"Many studies and focus groups have shown that even Jews who are sympathetic toward Israel and feel positively about their own Jewishness choose to be silent in order not to defy mainstream opinion, damage their career, or take up what seems to be a losing cause. To change the atmosphere, then, Israel’s sympathizers have to shift gears, from playing defense to launching a confident offense. They have to take back the banner of human rights and liberalism, and not permit this rhetoric to be misused by those who are defending some of the world’s most reactionary forces." Natan Sharansky, 2015

​​Click for a 2-minute read: What is a Christian Zionist?

Our USPS Mailing Address
Rhode Island Friends of Israel
PO Box 40261
Providence RI 02940
Telephone: (401)684-0330
Rhode Island Friends of Israel